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Networking Event
EngageNola Pow-Wow 2009-03-28 035.JPG
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EngageNola DS2.0 2009-06-26 001.JPG
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At EngageNOLA, we’re working together towards connecting community members to the local civic landscape through education and action initiatives. Our programs and activities are designed to create an empowered generation with sustained civic and political relationships implementing a citywide system of accountability. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.

Our Story

Established in 2009, at the close of the Ray Nagin administration, five years after Hurricane Katrina, and prior to the BP oil spill, EngageNOLA came together to implement a series of programs for community members from all parts of the city to learn more about the New Orleans mayoral candidates and other local elections.  Over the next two to three years EngageNOLA convened additional gatherings, including Meet the Candidate events with Congressional and Lieutenant Governor candidates and meetings with the New Orleans Inspector General and other public offices, but the EngageNOLA leadership has since pursued independent activities, many of them subsequently assuming civic leadership position of various sorts and setting roots in the community.


Now, upon another mayoral election and at the end of the Mitch Landrieu administration, EngageNOLA leadership is reconvening to reinstate programs to enable community members to meet the candidates and learn about their priorities.  Whatever new leadership assumes the reigns on the city’s tricentennial anniversary in 2018 will face great challenges and amazing opportunities; EngageNOLA views this as a pivotal time to provide opportunities for community members to learn about the candidates that will be elected to become the new leadership of our city.

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Do You Know Who to Vote For?

EngageNOLA has made it easier than ever to find which candidate you align with!


Our 10 minute quiz asked mayoral candidates how they feel about issues of housing, public safety, civic engagement, immigration, economic development and infrastructure. 


Which candidate most aligns with your beliefs?



Take the Quiz Today!

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Partner with Us

EngageNOLA carefully selects its partners, believing that partnerships must be mutually beneficial, drawing on each partners’ strengths for a greater impact. We are currently reestablishing a network of organizations and individuals that support EngageNOLA’s mission to ensure the collective advancement of the city and region through civic engagement of the next generation. Join us and help us 'Fuel change'!

Be the Change

Volunteer Your Time

Do you want to lend a hand and ‘Be the Change’? EngageNOLA welcomes volunteers and we offer many opportunities to help. We appreciate the generosity and involvement of people like you and need your new ideas and creativity. We operate in a non-partisan manner under a complete volunteer lead committee. So please share your time and talent with us, develop new skills, practice your old ones and expand your network!

Home: Service

We couldn't do what we do without our partners! Help us thank them by bestowing your support to their missions.

ULGNOYP - Urban League GNO Young Professionals
504ward - New Orleans Calling
YLC - Young Leadership Council
VAYLA New Orleans
NPN - Neighborhoods Partnership Network
HYPLA - Hispanic Young Professionals of Louisiana
NLC Louisiana
NLC Louisiana
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Your EngageNOLA Resource Center

Here in our news section, you’ll find stories old and new about how our work is helping to get New Orleans engaged! Take a look at our featured pieces below and let us know what you think about our efforts.

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